There won’t be another vote if we just sit by.
Even if he did, trump will get the supreme court to give him the go-ahead anyways.
Can’t remember his name, but the right love to fawn over the guy who built “killdozer”
Ahhhh, kinda wish I hadn’t asked… But thanks for answering.
Food waste the rich.
I’ve never had that sort of thing while personally interacting with people who speak other languages. However, when deployed I used to hear people speaking other languages regularly. So it wasn’t that they were communicating directly with me, but I used to love overhearing what they were saying and “bad translating” it to english. And that was hilarious.
That’s 50/50. At some point a guard will say it’s not worth it.
Orbitz! It was a flavored water drink with little balls in it back in the 90s.
People. “This is fine, the world is fine, our societies inverse robin hood economy is fine, climate change is no big deal, ecosystem collapse is no big deal, wars? Those are overseas and we’re not in them. Yeah, we’ll be fine.”
I only praise the man-made sun.