manipulated by whom? if it can be manipulated so that you get to see the content you like, I say thats fine.
if you mean manipulated by 3rd parties to sell ads, then that’s bad.
this isn’t a black and white thing. it can exist without being data to sell for ads. what matters is if the one hosting the videos is willing to sell that data.
if its kept to just your own personal usage data to make your experience a better one, that’s not a terrible thing.
tags are one way for sure. but then its difficult to find new stuff that might fit your interests that you don’t have tags for.
there are tweaks that can be made. also I’m talking about an individual’s personal feed
if I open tiktok right now, my feed will differ from yours. because it’s personalized. reddit is a bad example because its not personalized.
if you’re seeing far right videos on your feed its because you’re engaging with that content. you’re feeding the algorithm.
don’t engage with that garbage and you won’t see it.