You’re no fun :(
You’re no fun :(
The only problem with services as a subscription is THE FUCKING IDIOTS THAT PAY FOR THEM
If nobody fell for shit like that, manufacturers would drop it like boiling diarrhea
Calling Charlie the king of England sounds the same as saying Biden is the president of Utah
I am also from the 97 fuckin percent of every human on the planet that couldn’t give a shit about US politics
Yep, if you’re not from the US, instances are vastly superior.
Imagine all the times people from around the world asked for plumbing help on Reddit and got hit with “that ain’t up to code, buddy, get to ass down to Howm Deeepo” 😂
Americans do tend to assume the internet revolves around them, as they’re a bit insular and don’t see that it really, really, really doesn’t
I know it’s a joke but if you’re Scottish and you work with southern English cunts, this is true
I always assume people who end statements with question marks talk like David from Schitt’s Creek?