With how lawmaking works I would say do both at the same time. It would take a constitutional amendment so it’s unlikely to ever happen unfortunately.
With how lawmaking works I would say do both at the same time. It would take a constitutional amendment so it’s unlikely to ever happen unfortunately.
If this was a thread the last time the power was used to pardon friends or family I would be saying the same thing. This instance is not special because of the person who is in office. All instances have been wrong, unless there’s a real justification beyond a personal connection.
Dumpy may be expected to do shitty things in service to himself, his family and his associates but that doesn’t make it right. I believe rules and laws should apply to everybody, not just because they are on one party or another or believe one way or another or are of one socioeconomic status or another.
Yep, absolutely. Presidential powers should be used for the good of the country, not the good of your friends and family. There are many legitimate reasons to pardon people but them being related to you is not one of them.
Should be illegal to pardon family members honestly. If there was ever an easy example of a conflict of interest, this is one.
So he’s up for doing the same thing everyone everywhere in the US is doing. Immigrants, undocumented or otherwise are routinely deported once convicted of committing serious crimes. This is true even in my home state which is as blue as they come, Massachusetts.
We don’t do anything if someone’s crime is being here illegally. That’s not a serious crime. Rapists and murderers do not get to stay.
That being said, the guy seems like a piece of shit who is aiming to get a pardon or have the case dropped against him for other things he’s done, largely stemming from corruption and campaign finance violations. People should be prosecuted for things they do, not because they avoid being critical of the opposition party. He probably should be deposed if any corruption can be proven to be intentional. The guy is pretty obviously trying to be buddy buddy with dumpy for his own gain to save his own skin.