I’m worried about that. I’m hearing a lot of people either giving into despair or openly discussing what I’ll call “illegal opposition”. I really like a lot of Americans and I don’t want to see war and/or oppression hit. But I’m bracing for it, as I think a lot of nations are.
As much as I don’t want regular people to suffer, this is like hearing about someone who thought everyone who didn’t drink bleach was stupid and they were going to prove something by downing it. At no point was that coin a good idea for anyone except the ones who got on early and guessed the right time to dump it, and that information was very freely available.
I’d say maybe losing a lot of their own money will finally teach people not to trust Trump, but a) we are so far past the point of trust based on logic and facts that I doubt it and b) it’s too late anyways, they’ve already given him monarch levels of power and money. Plus Trump will probably blame the crash on malicious immigrants blatantly and black women slyly (DEI) and his base will lap it up.