I’ve gotten into the habit of eating and drinking things fast because of limited time on break and now my digestive system is in terrible shape
I’ve gotten into the habit of eating and drinking things fast because of limited time on break and now my digestive system is in terrible shape
I dont think I ever really believed. We lived in a trailer when I was a kid so there wasnt a chimney and Idk why but thats always what stood out to me as a kid. Also at that point there were so many christmas movies where the plot was people not believing and I think that also caused me to think there was a pretty valid reason behind that especially when they pointed out “how does he make it to all the kids houses around the world in one night.”
Tornados wreck my town every year. In short, it sucks.
I dont know if the joke is stupid or if I am. Care to explain the joke?
I remember a lot of stuff but tying it to a specific day can be hard sometimes. Something I thought happened yesterday mightve happened like 3 days ago and a week out I’m pretty unsure unless it happened on a holiday or rent day or something. I can remember major events and random things from a long time ago though. Earliest memory I can muster up is crawling on some red carpet in my grandparents trailer. They moved out of that place when I was 1 year old
I’m the exact opposite. I cant leave an open can or glass of drink exposed to the elements for fear of something getting into it so I will chug it if its been there for too long before I get another one
Usually “Oh” followed by “boy”