If that is true, you don’t have a criminal justice system any more. That’s what I was originally arguing, this is a banana republic.
If that is true, you don’t have a criminal justice system any more. That’s what I was originally arguing, this is a banana republic.
They didn’t vote for him so much as choose something other than the opposite party. In a first past the post voting system there is only the illusion of choice, it will always devolve into a duopoly.
The point is that the fork has been traumatised and it transfers that trauma to your food by the magic of homeopathy or something.
Turns out the laws of physics and geometry are the same everywhere.
By ‘disrupt the current office holder’ do you mean ‘the people who have been pardoned were tried and convicted of crimes’?
It’s completely wild that this is acceptable in a modern democracy. One unqualified person is allowed to summarily over rule the entire judicial apparatus on a whim or bailing out a crony. American presidents are the kings of this banana republic.
The same threat that democracy faces, it’s vulnerable to charismatic people who become entrenched and draconian. I’m not convinced it can ever work without some competing force that resists the consolidation of power, such as highly educated and politically involved populace.
Communism probably works at smaller scales but for larger populations it would only be feasible when the leadership is benevolent. A robot administrator would be an interesting experiment.
You need to find someone you trust. There’s no technology that can prevent someone disclosing data if it’s their job to work with that data.
If you treat people with respect and pay them well, you will be amazed at what they give back. Especially autistic people, they tend to have high personal integrity.
At first sign of calamity immediately stock up on toilet paper.
We have to be the thing we want to see out in the world. If we want open source communities and an internet free of corporate influence then we have to do the work required to build them. It’s not going to happen by magic.
They get sick pleasure from inflicting stupid fastener design on their users?