Recently I came across Microsoft Pluton while searching for a new laptop. Initially I thought it was like TPM and wouldn’t affect Linux. But the more I researched, the worse it got. According to them

Microsoft Pluton is a chip-to-cloud security technology that provides hardware-based root of trust, secure identity, secure attestation, and cryptographic services

Does it connect to Cloud irrespective of the OS I ran? If yes this could be a privacy nightmare.

Why aren’t more people talking about this? It been here at-least since the last two generation of CPUs from AMD (from my research worst offender) and Intel.

Isn’t this a privacy violation lawsuit waiting to happen? In what ways does this Microsoft Pluton chip affect people who use Linux and should I not buy a new Laptop?

Also what about manufactures like Framework? Are they also forced to work with this chips?

From where I am, used laptops are not worth it.

    3 months ago

    From their description it seems like just another tpm - like chip with extra functionality. That “cloud to chip” stuff seems to be marketing bs to me, possibly a tpm like chip that can only be used by Azure services? Doesn’t seem to me that it overrides the os in any way, so Linux would probably just ignore it withou the right drivers.