A trenchant analysis of the reactions appearing across the political spectra. Written from an anti-capitalist perspective.
A trenchant analysis of the reactions appearing across the political spectra. Written from an anti-capitalist perspective.
I am not referring to the politics of any of these media outlets when I say they are non-capitalist, but their ownership structure. I don’t disagree that the guardian has a major status quo bias, but at the end of the day, it is wholly owned by a non-profit trust as opposed to shareholders (aka capitalists in the pure economic sense of the word)
By that definition all “Industrial Associations” would not be capitalist.
Personally I would be wary of telling people they should trust the words of the spokespersons of most of them.
There are more than one way in which the elites and near-elites organise to advance their interests and IMHO The Guardian is very much The Voice Of The English Upper Middle Class.