Oh dear
We’re fucked, aren’t we?
Hopefully people remember and learn from the Australian government who allowed water to be traded like stocks. The idea was that farmers and companies that needed water most would pay for water rights from people who didn’t need it.
In practice it lead to mega rich foreigners buying up all the water rights in Australia and preventing anyone from using them which created artificial scarcity and drove up prices. These mega rich foreigners then sold Australians their own water back to them at exorbitant prices.
Sounds like housing in Canada 😓
Says the paper that denied genocide in the 1930s.
I’m fairly certain they’re denying genocide in the 2020s
They know very well what they’re doing.
The water wars started years ago and if you’re not Nestle you’re already losing.
I actually hope the NYT gets dismantled in the press purges. They’ve been so evil that I personally hate them more than far right propaganda outlets.
I think I could get used to the taste of human flesh. I hear the 1% are especially tender