I’ve got a couple of e-mail addresses with the main providers, but I’m looking to switch to an ad-free and more secure provider.
I’ve been looking at ProtonMail, but what do you guys use or recommend?
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I’ve been using Proton Mail for a while, it’s been good for me.
I’ve been using Posteo for a while now. They have the most sane privacy policy out there. They also support IMAP and POP3 ootb for external email clients, unlike some other email providers (e.g. Protonmail).
I also use Posteo, one thing to note though is that Posteo doesn’t (and probably won’t any time soon) support custom domains. If that doesn’t bother you, it’s a great choice.
The other alternative I found during my research, which doesn’t have that limitation, is mailbox.org.