How do I download the streaming media off of the site/or the media files’ server?
Is there a client you guys know about that I can start using? Or is there a process to it?
Help is very appreciated! Thanks
How do I download the streaming media off of the site/or the media files’ server?
Is there a client you guys know about that I can start using? Or is there a process to it?
Help is very appreciated! Thanks
It was a great experience until they started charging $19.99 for every additional item you download.
Yeah, just stumbled across that.
Video DownloadHelper a blast from the past. Haven’t used that for more than a decade (I discovered youtube-dl and never looked back). I didn’t look further in my testing, only promted me for a license when a wanted to download only audio, which seemed kinda scummy since there isn’t even a pure audio source on the website as far as I can tell.
Does YouTube-dl works on all websites or just YouTube?
yt-dlp (the most up-to-date version of youtube-dl) has hundreds of supported websites. The generic downloader can download from unsupported websites most of the time and if that doesn’t work you just paste in the m3u8 file as seen in my answer.
Downloads are free. Charge only for conversions.