I’m happy if it’s actually running in python and not a javascript app with electron.
I know it makes me sound like an of man shouting at clouds but the other day I installed Morrowind and was genuinely blown away by how smooth and reliable it ran and all the content in the game fitting in 2gb of space. Skyrim requires I delete my other games to make room and still requires a whole second game worth of mods to match the stability and quantity of morrowind.
High res textures (especially normal maps) and higher quality/coverage audio really made game sizes take off. Unreal’s new “Nanite” tech, where models can have literally billions of polygons, actually reduces game size because no normal maps.
Why would an RTX 4090 make Python faster?
Don’t worry this post was written by a first year computer science student who just learned about C. No need to look too closely at it.
Rust is better.
Well, it just demostrate how slow is unoptimized software
If you create a meme like this at least inform yourself on how computers and software work.
If 4090 is not making stuff faster then why my games run faster with it? /s
Easy, your 4090 is made of pure assembly.
Armatures, I only write software using my hammer by punching holes in steel plates.
amateurs, i write my software with a magnetized needle and a steady hand