I was reading chapter 1 of chainsaw man again (Started 2 years ago) and it felt like I was reading it for the first time. Like I literally forgot that it was his father’s debt or that he sold his nut or even that it was the yakuza that tried to kill him. I know the very bare skeleton story, but I easily forget details in between.
Should I go to a doctor or am I overthinking it?
It’s called the serial-position effect and it’s nothing to worry about.
You’ll mostly remember the start and the end of a story than the middle of the story (unless the middle of the story has something more memorable than the ending and the beginning of a story).
But this is the very beginning, not the middle
uhh. Then OP just forgot it probably because it wasn’t that exciting to OP or something. I’ve even forgotten everything about some mangas and animes after a few years of watching it because I watched/read alot of other things after it.