I just finished the Jakarta Method and it left me genuinely dismayed. Not like, astounded with how horrible it all was (I knew it was going to be horrible), but more, it made me put the book down and sit with my feelings of dismay. A little bit nauseous, unsettled, feeling a loss of hope for a lot of ideals I hold.
What a horrible period of history, in a century absolutely full of horrible periods.
yeah. Its a rough one.
Pick up The Buru Quartet. Although the massacres in 1965-66 caused damage that’s still visible even today, they fell short of eradicating the spirit of the PKI.
feeling a loss of hope for a lot of ideals I hold
Can you expand on this a little?
After finishing the book, it galvanised my hopes and vision of what the future could look like.
The book showed again and again and again, that implementing a “progressive” program while trying to look like a “moderate”, or following the “rules based order” was going to get you killed (especially if you are outside the Imperial core). A very important lesson.
It was probably a poor choice of words. It just put the challenges into perspective, and kills a little more of my idealism.
The book also put a lot of righteous anger in me.
Ah fuck, that book has been on my shelf all semester. Really gotta read that