There’s a peculiar form of blindness that comes from prolonged safety. Like a frog in slowly heating water, people who have known only stability become incapable of recognizing existential th…
We may soon be past the point where protests will have much effect. But not yet - most of what I’m saying is more for the future, while for now protests are absolutely helping:-).
I mean all kinds of things can have an effect. A lot of totalitarian regimes were overthrown starting from a way worse position than “Trump and Musk are in the White House and a lot of people are doing what they say.” But also, the US is sleeping right now, and a lot of what it takes is just a shitload of people to be on your side. Right now they are not.
We may soon be past the point where protests will have much effect. But not yet - most of what I’m saying is more for the future, while for now protests are absolutely helping:-).
I mean all kinds of things can have an effect. A lot of totalitarian regimes were overthrown starting from a way worse position than “Trump and Musk are in the White House and a lot of people are doing what they say.” But also, the US is sleeping right now, and a lot of what it takes is just a shitload of people to be on your side. Right now they are not.
Of course that can change.