After a recent forced update, I can no longer login to my bank account, the app brings up google play and expects me to login to gplay for what ever reason,I am not logged into that cancer on my phone, so now I am fuming and don’t want to be forced to make a google account on the phone. (by the way I have been using aurora to avoid gplay)

I am hoping someone has a some trick or app to bypass this ? I have talked to the bank but there is nothing they can do for just one weird customer !

Everything is going to shit in this dystopian technocracy

    18 days ago

    If you’re really going to stick to aurora or avoid gplay (even a burner account for just your bank would be enough to help you out here), you’re gonna be eventually stuck with web/telephone banking.

    Anything else risks you getting flagged as suspicious by your bank, or at the very least opening your own attack surface to the same app by someone else.