Another reason not listed: fuck the manufacturer. I don’t pay, I don’t drive around town, I don’t live my life to be an advertisement for you. ¯\(°_o)/¯
Ford has done me wrong. Ford has done America wrong. But for the right price, I still might consider driving a Ford. Why cut off your nose to spite your face? But you bet your ass I’d debadge that motherfucker. Ford doesn’t deserve to be publicly acknowledged by me on my goddamned vehicle, bought with my goddamned money, to be seen by others. Nah. I’m not doing that.
Get a salvage Ford, or a really ugly/deformed Ford, debadge it? Hell yeah. Let’s go.
I also don’t like explicitly branded clothing. Why do we pay to advertise for these people, like it’s some kind of privilege or status? 🤨 Especially the most basic bitch stuff out there, manufactured by foreign slave labor. Idk, it’s all dumb.
Has Ford owner I can tell you debadging a Ford won’t stop anyone knowing its a Ford. They design it specifically so you don’t need the emblem. Hell it fades off on most trucks and cars in a few months.
What I remove is any mention of the dealership. That I will advertise for.
I’m usually anti dealer badges, but when we bought our Accord, the dealer said if we kept the dealer license plate frame on, we’d get free car washes for life. We took advantage of that many times. Seemed a fair trade to me.
I agree, people will know, but debadging even that little oval? Taking it out of the grille? That is very intentional, it doesn’t occur by accident, it might even make some people go, “…huh.”
I would refuse to have their emblems on my vehicle. I have my reasons. Unless somebody wants to buy me a nice one & leaving badges on was part of the conditions, by all means, drop thousands of dollars on me & make me a hypocrite. I am nothing if not practical. But if it’s my money, on my Ford vehicle, all badges & emblems are being stripped off.
Go a step farther and get more letters off of cars in the junk yard. Then stick them on your POS spelling out “found on road dead” or “fix or repair daily” (dead WRXs are helpful for the latter).
Idk exactly what you’re referring to, I see a bunch with FORD put in on the grille. And that’s the easiest debadge-job ever; you just buy an aftermarket clean grille. I think it looks very nice & clean.
Same thing with the tailgate, either find a way to tastefully remove the logos or buy aftermarket. I like the look of the “air flow” tailgates, or the straps.
Especially if you’re buying a junker, and you don’t care if it looks super nice…that’s just free license to get creative & rip 'em off, cover up any way you see fit. Fuck Ford badges. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
99% of the time I HATE advertising, however in this circumstance I can’t relate, I love my Kia Soul and I really like how down to earth the old Kia logo was. More importantly it feels like a part of Sir-hops-a-lot’s personality that id be removing and I don’t want that.
(yes, I have named and personified it a bit so I’m not really the average customer lol)
beep beep frog car incoming!
nyooom! 🐸
I do agree on clothing, if it’s not funny (apparently there’s a brand named ‘lorem ipsum’ that makes shirts) or like a YouTubers merch or experience (ex. a museum tshirt I have), I don’t understand why you would pay extra.
Another reason not listed: fuck the manufacturer. I don’t pay, I don’t drive around town, I don’t live my life to be an advertisement for you. ¯\(°_o)/¯
Ford has done me wrong. Ford has done America wrong. But for the right price, I still might consider driving a Ford. Why cut off your nose to spite your face? But you bet your ass I’d debadge that motherfucker. Ford doesn’t deserve to be publicly acknowledged by me on my goddamned vehicle, bought with my goddamned money, to be seen by others. Nah. I’m not doing that.
Get a salvage Ford, or a really ugly/deformed Ford, debadge it? Hell yeah. Let’s go.
I also don’t like explicitly branded clothing. Why do we pay to advertise for these people, like it’s some kind of privilege or status? 🤨 Especially the most basic bitch stuff out there, manufactured by foreign slave labor. Idk, it’s all dumb.
Has Ford owner I can tell you debadging a Ford won’t stop anyone knowing its a Ford. They design it specifically so you don’t need the emblem. Hell it fades off on most trucks and cars in a few months.
What I remove is any mention of the dealership. That I will advertise for.
I’m usually anti dealer badges, but when we bought our Accord, the dealer said if we kept the dealer license plate frame on, we’d get free car washes for life. We took advantage of that many times. Seemed a fair trade to me.
That is fair. You get recompensated for providing ad space.
I agree, people will know, but debadging even that little oval? Taking it out of the grille? That is very intentional, it doesn’t occur by accident, it might even make some people go, “…huh.”
I would refuse to have their emblems on my vehicle. I have my reasons. Unless somebody wants to buy me a nice one & leaving badges on was part of the conditions, by all means, drop thousands of dollars on me & make me a hypocrite. I am nothing if not practical. But if it’s my money, on my Ford vehicle, all badges & emblems are being stripped off.
Go a step farther and get more letters off of cars in the junk yard. Then stick them on your POS spelling out “found on road dead” or “fix or repair daily” (dead WRXs are helpful for the latter).
How would you even debadge a modern Ford truck? All the ones I’ve seen have FORD in massive letters on the front.
Idk exactly what you’re referring to, I see a bunch with FORD put in on the grille. And that’s the easiest debadge-job ever; you just buy an aftermarket clean grille. I think it looks very nice & clean.
Same thing with the tailgate, either find a way to tastefully remove the logos or buy aftermarket. I like the look of the “air flow” tailgates, or the straps.
Especially if you’re buying a junker, and you don’t care if it looks super nice…that’s just free license to get creative & rip 'em off, cover up any way you see fit. Fuck Ford badges. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I blacked all mine out with plastidip, at least the ones I couldn’t remove without leaving a massive spot open and look even worse
99% of the time I HATE advertising, however in this circumstance I can’t relate, I love my Kia Soul and I really like how down to earth the old Kia logo was. More importantly it feels like a part of Sir-hops-a-lot’s personality that id be removing and I don’t want that.
(yes, I have named and personified it a bit so I’m not really the average customer lol)
beep beep frog car incoming!

nyooom! 🐸
I do agree on clothing, if it’s not funny (apparently there’s a brand named ‘lorem ipsum’ that makes shirts) or like a YouTubers merch or experience (ex. a museum tshirt I have), I don’t understand why you would pay extra.
This is it for me
supreme is the supreme example of this tbh