(Blocked users are not shown to protect their privacy)
I don’t mind politics, but I do mind:
- AI generated images
- Porn
- Anime models (all the “moe” stuff)
- Something that combines above (like thirsty AI-generated anime models)
- (RSS) bots that post links but there’s never any discussion in the threads
- Non-English content that I can’t read or local content that doesn’t apply to me
- Games I don’t play (anymore) or will never play
Is there an easier way to curate content? Browsing “new” is like whack-a-mole.
Do you have to block communities? I thought you could just not join them to avoid their content.
If you browse by “subscribed”, you only see the communities you have joined. I sometimes browse “new” just to see what’s happening now, and this shows all posts from any community (you haven’t blocked). The sorting method “Active” is posts from 1-2 days ago and the content in “Hot” stays about the same throughout the day.