Very few time travel stories every address this and other detriments to the past. For most of history, the past has been a pretty horrible place compared to today unless you are rich and usually male. Even you are those, you don’t have to go far back to be victims of disease or injury commonly cured today. Depending on what part of the world you are in, and how far you are going back, your skin color, spoken language, or physical features may also put you in a world of hurt.
We still have a long way to go to be better, but as crazy as it seems, right now, is a really really good time for most of us compared to most of history with regard to freedom and health.
The only way I want to time travel is like…looking through a window to watch it.
Actually being there???
Fuck that, I like being alive and not not alive.
“Aww. They’re just misunderstood invaders. We don’t actually know their culture.”