How does lineage stack up to graphene? My impression is that lineage is more designed for older phones to extend the useful life, while graphene is more focused on privacy and security, and only works on limited devices.
Am I understanding the gist of it or have I missed the plot?
I don’t think that graphene builds on Lineage OS. If this would be the case, then the Android 15 release of Graphene OS wouldn’t be 3 month before the release of Lineage OS 22.
How does lineage stack up to graphene? My impression is that lineage is more designed for older phones to extend the useful life, while graphene is more focused on privacy and security, and only works on limited devices.
Am I understanding the gist of it or have I missed the plot?
~~Lineage OS is parental.
Graphene OS would not exist if not for the work that LineageOS developers pave the way for.
Graphene OS thus is a downstream of Lineage OS, like most Android projects.
At least from my knowledge banks.~~
Seems that Graphene OS uses AOSP, excuse my misinformation.
I don’t think that graphene builds on Lineage OS. If this would be the case, then the Android 15 release of Graphene OS wouldn’t be 3 month before the release of Lineage OS 22.