As it stands, both Piped and Invidious are dead. Because od that, I almost completely stopped watching youtube but l’d still sometimes like to check what the people I follow posted (I used to do that via Piped). Are there any new ways of following people without actually using Google? I’m aware of the tools that download new videos as they come out but I’m more interested in just “subscribing”, kinda like RSS?
Ideally it would be on iOS

Edit: I found it, “Unwatched” on iOS is awesome, thanks to !

  • John
    2 months ago

    I believe that YouTube supports RSS. I haven’t used it in years, but gPodder allowed subscribing to channels.

    Ah, yeah. From this post:

    • Go to the YouTube channel page.
    • Click more for the About box.
    • Scroll down to click Share channel. Choose Copy channel ID.
    • Get the feed from plus that channel ID from the previous step.

    From there, something (like a podcast client) needs to grab the video.

    Otherwise, I’ve been using Tartube to download to my media server, which is not great but fine, except for needing to delete the lock file when it (or the computer) crashes, and the fact that the media server hasn’t the foggiest idea of how to organize the “episodes.”