I know some of these words
I know some of these words
Cypherpunks, always seemed like the coolest shit ever. I should read what they had to say.
Now THAT’s my kind of party.
Nuclear war should do the trick at re-establishing this kind of privacy.
Hell, is other people
There is no such thing as too many layers of obfuscation. At least until we abolish all empires, states, religions and corporations.
Genitals pics, NOW
It is a non issue, a fabulation of a pretext to strip away all your rights. Just look at all the gross politics wonks slinging pedophile accusations at each other all the time. How could anyone even believe this was anything other than the latest tool of character assassination after homo, commie and anarchistshave worn out their usefullness. Anyone going around yelling pediphile this pedophile that, recognize them for the troll that they are and tune them out, they have absolutely nothing valid to say.
It’s obvious to me the blackbox radio contains an inscrutable backdoor that negates all privacy aspects.
New meat MUST be bred to feed the machine of infinite growth.
That’s how the CIA killed reporter Michael Hastings for demonstrating american arrogance of McChrystal and his squad of butchers which led to the europeans funding the war on islam a little bit less.
It has been made impossible to personally audit, the safe assumption, the null hypothesis is that it does until proven otherwise, which would be impossible and in any case implausible under our current surveillance capitalism.