Yeah my wall limits the size of my TV to 55”, but I also have a fairly short viewing distance of 8 ft. That puts me in the 1080p range. The details of 4K show up better if I sit closer, but I still wouldn’t characterize it as a dramatically different viewing experience. I watch nature documentaries in 4k, but for close ups of faces 1080p is enough for me. I really don’t need to see every pore. And for action/CG I feel higher resolution, like higher frame rate or interpolation, seems to cheapen the effects. I like my movies choppy and blurry like they were meant to be.
My lower back makes me feel old, not TV resolutions. My TV is a 2020 LG OLED, 55”. I do notice the difference but I just don’t think it’s a big deal, because 1080p is sharp enough. I wear glasses when I watch TV correcting to 20/15. Or another way of saying it, is that my old eyes don’t care for big screens. The experience is the same.