She would have been an adult by the start of the second world war, so, what were her thoughts of those times? What did she think about the rise of the Nazis then compared with today?
She would have been an adult by the start of the second world war, so, what were her thoughts of those times? What did she think about the rise of the Nazis then compared with today?
So you wanna play some basketball?
My school in the 90s had to ban watching the Encarta Basketball video. We’re in the UK and don’t really have much of a basketball culture but students flocked to the computer room every day to watch it because of the novelty of seeing a video play on a computer monitor.
I also think I remember the earthquake video, I think Encarta 95 had about 6 videos…
Yahoo is legitimately still a big deal in Japan, I was surprised to find out recently
Yeah, I think it’s a completely different company that owns it now. What’s strange is that it looks a lot more like the 90s Yahoo than it does in the rest of the world.
It’s on Flathub. It’s open source C++ so what ever you can compile it for.
I totally get people saying things like “I couldn’t live with GNOME because it’s difficult to customise” because I used to be that guy. It took a significant shift in my mindset to come back to GNOME (having moved away from it previously when GNOME 3 was first released).
Out-of-the-box GNOME, with no extensions or tweaks.
I used to be a customise-everything kind of guy. But I’m not naturally efficient, so any workflow I designed for myself would always end up being inefficient. With GNOME I see it as a kind of off-the-shelf workflow that I can adapt to, something I wouldn’t have come up with myself but it makes me more efficient.
Yeah, I don’t disagree there, as somebody primed on Esperanto, familiar with the -ejo ending, it looks like an Esperanto word to me so my original instinct was to pronounce it in the Esperanto way but with the ‘hard-g’. I guess to be fair they would have more problems if they asked everyone to write ‘ĝ’.
It comes from the Esperanto forĝejo meaning forge (noun, literally a site, ejo, where forging takes place). So soft g, and j as English y. /forˈd͡ʒ
Not many names come from Esperanto so that’s interesting. :)
I was Time Person of the Year in 2006.
The thing I like about the original Star Wars trilogy is not that they were great stories, but just that they had really, really good pacing. The characters and scenarios were introduced at just the right rate so that when the big action scenes came around you really cared about them, especially in the first one. That’s also where the later films fell down. I don’t consider myself a huge Star Wars fan, but I would say it’s worth appreciating for the art of it even if you already know the stories.
Can my current drives be placed into storage and returned 5 years later, or do they have to be destroyed? That makes a big difference.
First thing would be to seriously look into data compression, and live with heavily lossy-compressed media (my music collection would be ring-fenced though). Throw out backups of physical media (take the chance on disc-rot); I guess any backups wouldn’t be possible in this universe anyway so it will all be left to chance. And then see what’s left.
Is it 100 GB in addition to what I already have saved or 100 GB of total storage? Because if it’s 100 GB of total storage then I wouldn’t be thinking about downloading, I’ll be thinking about what I want to keep.
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