Reddit seems to use Ai to analyze images, so the content can be indexed by the search. In example I searched for my name (which is also used for the my blog) to see if there are recent posts with “thingsiplay”, because I saw some spike in the stats. But what I instead found is a screenshot of a comment from me made in YouTube. There is no text attached to the post or title, so it must have analyzed the content, right? results in
and the post is
Or did I miss something and I make myself a fool here? Does any other community software or forum do this? Is this covered in their User Agreement?
OpticalCharacterRecognition is a pretty common practice that’s been around for a century… (1920s)
It makes a lot of sense when you consider those with visual impairments.
Not an expert in it, but this isn’t necessarily AI, it could be good ol’ image text recognition that has existed for years now.